The Reform UK party has pledged a “patriotic school curriculum”, to review the content of history lessons and “ban transgender ideology in schools” in its manifesto published today.
The party, led by Nigel Farage and which one poll said have overtaken the Conservatives, set out its “contract to the British people” today.
Farage said the policies are what they party will campaign for “over the next five years”.
Its education page states “too many children and young people are badly let down”, setting out policies costing £5 billion per year to deliver an “education system that ensures young people are proud of Britain and learn the skills, character and values to succeed in life”.
The party said cutting foreign aid, ending energy tax subsidies and delivering government department savings would help fund its policies, most of which it said would be delivered in the first 100 days.
The full round-up of Reform’s school policies:
A “patriotic” curriculum in schools. This mean any lessons about an example of British or European imperialism or slavery “must be paired with the teaching of a non-European occurrence of the same to ensure balance”.
History and social science curriculum to be reviewed and audited regularly to ensure balance as “our children must be taught about their heritage”.
Ban transgender ideology in schools. This includes “no gender questioning, social transitioning or pronoun swapping” and informing parents of under 16s “about their children’s life decisions”.
Schools must have single sex facilities.
Hand private schools a tax relief of 20 per cent, with no VAT on fees. If parents can “afford to pay a bit more, we should incentivise them to choose independent schools” as it will “significantly ease pressure on state schools and improve education for all”.
Restrict university undergraduate numbers “well below current levels, too many courses are not good enough and students are being ripped off”. Also a pledge for universities to provide the option of two-year undergraduate courses. It’s not clear whether it applies to teacher training courses.
Double the number of pupil referral units so that schools “can function safely”, with “best practice spread across PRUs”. This is pledged under the header “permanent exclusions for violent and disruptive students”.