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10 Fun Ways to Encourage Your Child to Learn Mandarin at Home

Let’s say you are not a big fan of traditional teaching methods or find it difficult to have your child attend classes regularly – there is no reason just yet to give up on teaching your child completely! Being able to speak different languages, especially Mandarin, is ever so resourceful and enriching and when having the choice, giving it a go is definitely worth it!  Besides online Chinese classes, there are many fun ways for you to help your child learn without investing too much time! Helping your child learn Mandarin at home doesn’t have to be a stressful thing… In fact, the best way for kids to absorb a new language is through play and creativity. To learn Chinese can become part of their daily routine without feeling like an extra task.  

  1. Use Chinese Cartoons and Shows 

Children naturally learn languages by hearing them spoken, and Mandarin is no exception. Learn Chinese for kids also is about easy ways to immerse your child in the language, such as through Chinese cartoons. Popular programs like Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf or Mao Mao and the Flying Tigers are super entertaining and expose kids to emotional situations of using Mandarin vocabulary and sentence structures. Over time, children will start picking up new words and phrases just by watching their favorite characters go on adventures! These programs are not available on regular Western platforms, however, make sure you check Chinese platforms such as Bilibili or channels like MangoTV for it. 

  1. Sing Chinese Songs Together 

Chinese children’s songs are a great way to teach vocabulary and pronunciation in a fun, memorable way! Songs like 两只老虎 (Liǎng Zhī Lǎohǔ – Two Tigers) or 小星星 (Xiǎo Xīngxīng – Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star) are simple and repetitive, they are perfect for young learners. Singing together also makes it feel like a playful activity. It’ll be a great motivation to learn Chinese

  1. Mandarin as “Playtime” 

Now, because children learn best when they’re having fun, making Mandarin part of their playtime probably is the most important thing. Whether that’s building blocks or playing with dolls, you can add simple words into the mix. Label toys and objects in Mandarin! 

  1. Try Mandarin Learning Apps 

There are many interactive apps specifically designed to help kids learn Mandarin in a playful way, such as Lingo Bus or Chineasy. There are learning colorful animations, challenges, and rewards. These apps break down characters and grammar into lessons that are easy for kids to understand and repeat. Learning through apps will also give kids the opportunity to explore the language at their own pace – you do not have to constantly watch over it! 

  1. Language Games 

Now, you could specifically play games like memory matching with character cards, Chinese bingo, or charades where kids act out different Mandarin words. You can also invent simple games like “I Spy” using Mandarin vocabulary. For example, “我看见一个蓝色的东西” (Wǒ kànjiàn yīgè lán sè de dōngxī – I spy something blue).  

  1. Read Bilingual Books 

Of course, there are also: Books. Reading is essential for language learning, but it shouldn’t be just a text. There are bilingual storybooks in Mandarin and English that are a fantastic resource. Start with familiar stories or topics. Books with side-by-side translations help children connect Mandarin words with their English equivalents. Additionally, if you speak Mandarin, reading aloud to your child is even better – even if you aren’t fluent! 

  1. Cook Chinese Food Together (!) 

Have you thought of this yet? You could consider simple Chinese dishes like dumplings or fried rice and prepare some simple words for ingredients and cooking steps in advance. For example, “我们要做饺子” (Wǒmen yào zuò jiǎozi – We are going to make dumplings). Cooking together is an amazing idea; it connects language learning with Chinese culture. 

  1. Create a Mandarin Word Wall 

Hey, what about creating a “Mandarin word wall” in your child’s room or a common area, where you post new Mandarin words they’ve learned! Use pictures and characters to label objects around the house, such as “桌子” (zhuōzi – table), “椅子” (yǐzi – chair), or “书” (shū – book). Seeing these words daily helps them remember and recognize Mandarin characters in a natural way! 

  1. Celebrate Chinese Holidays 

Definitely make use of this one, yes. Celebrating most well-known Chinese holidays like the Lunar New Year or the Mid-Autumn Festival lets your child feel like it’s not alone in studying but connected to billions of people! It will definitely be a huge motivation Deeper appreciation of Chinese culture will naturally arouse their interest in learning vocabulary! During these celebrations, use Mandarin greetings like “新年快乐” (Xīnnián kuàilè – Happy New Year) or “中秋节快乐” (Zhōngqiū jié kuàilè – Happy Mid-Autumn Festival). You can show pictures on your phone and videos of how people celebrate and have fun! 

  1. Practice Mandarin Daily 

Lastly, consistency really is key to language learning, and practicing a little bit of Mandarin every day goes a long way. If you do not have much time, just set aside 10-15 minutes each day, whether it’s reviewing vocabulary, singing songs, or playing a quick language game. These short but regular sessions keep your child engaged. The more you integrate Mandarin into their daily routine, the more natural the language will feel to them! 


Encouraging your child to learn Mandarin at home should NOT be a chore! By using playful, engaging methods, you can make language learning an enjoyable part of their daily life! 

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