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Games and Nerd Culture: How Localization is Changing the Narrative?

If you have ever come across any gamer in your life, you must have called them a nerd. Why? Nerds are often thought of as people who are interested in one or two things know a lot about computers, and have this intellectual aura. And also, their dressing sense is not up to date. Gamers are thought of as nerdy individuals who wear eyeglasses, are socially awkward, and spend hours sitting in front of screens. However, these people might be introverted but one can’t call them nerds. Today because of a game and software localization agency, games are localized for the global audience which means that games are not just reserved for a few interested individuals. Rather, people all over the world can have access to games which makes video games a global phenomenon.

In this read, we are going to talk about the nerd culture associated with games and how gaming localization is changing this old narrative. It is because gamers are much more than just nerds, they think in a way we all don’t, so that makes them special. Now how can we label a special person with the term nerd? So let’s nullify this concept.

What is Meant By Nerd Culture in Gaming?

The nerd culture refers to the geek culture that includes people who are not well aware of the current fashion trends and are mostly obsessed with a thing or two. Mostly in schools, students who are very intelligent and wise are called nerds. The term geek is considered offensive while the term nerd is somehow accepted. In the gaming world, gamers who completely understand the game mechanics, its lores, and intricate details are called nerds. These gamers are obsessed with games and are experts in playing games. These gamers showcase this nerdy and introverted aura that people instantly recognize and call them out.

Despite being considered introverts, these nerdy gamers are much extroverts in their own circle such as fan pages and online gaming forums which differentiate them from the rest of the world. Their love and passion for games is on such a high level that on gaming events these people even dress up as their favorite characters. That’s another thing for which they are called nerds. Gamers dressing up for Comic-Con = nerds, and gamers dressing up for cosplay = nerds.

Game Localization

A game localization agency is responsible for adapting a game to the target audience’s culture and language. Games are often designed for specific audiences that speak the same language and have similar cultural norms. Audiences with completely different languages and cultures can’t indulge in such games as they can be offensive and hard to understand for them. This is where video game localization takes the task and adapts the game for that specific audience.

Role of Localization in Shaping Beliefs About the Nerd Gaming Culture

You must be wondering what is the connection between this nerd gaming culture and game localization. How is localization changing this narrative and showcasing a positive and open image of gamers? It makes gaming a universal form of entertainment that everybody can enjoy despite their differences. Furthermore, esports tournaments have showcased the career side of games where professional gamers participate and represent their countries.

Understanding For All

With the help of localization, even non-gamers are getting to know more about games. Video game localization adapts the game for the audience so that games are more relatable and understandable for them. Often games consist of terminologies that gamers easily understand while for newbies those terminologies are completely foreign. When gaming companies hire experienced translators from a professional translation company, these games are localized for foreign audiences and they tend to understand the games.

When the comprehensibility ratio of games is enhanced, the term nerd and nerdy gets lost as more and more people get to enter this exclusive world of games.

Attracting New Audiences

Localized games tend to attract a large audience because of their accessibility. This helps gaming companies to attract a huge player base and hence the stereotype that “nerds can understand games better” vanishes. People from every field and walk of life can enjoy games as the localized version of games resonate with their culture, language, and other demands. Gamers and non-gamers get to share the same experiences and things to talk about which removes another stereotype, gamers are introverts.

Final Words!

To sum up, game localization enhances the understanding of games even for non-gamers. In this way, games are considered more of a modern and open activity than only some nerdy activity. Localization increases the understanding of games and makes them relatable to the diverse audience. Hence, with localization the stereotypical narrative that only nerds can play games is successfully removed.

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