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How Do Successful Businesses Prioritize Employee Well-Being?

How Do Successful Businesses Prioritize Employee Well-Being?

In the quest for a healthier and more productive workplace, we’ve gathered insights from eighteen industry leaders, including CEOs and Chief Human Resources Officers. They share specific examples ranging from providing travel perks to hiring gig workers for specialized tasks, illustrating how their companies are prioritizing employee well-being and the positive outcomes it brings.

  • Provide Travel Perks for Employees
  • Implement a Well-Being Tracking Tool
  • Grant Autonomy and Support Team
  • Foster Open Communication and Feedback
  • Offer Professional Development Opportunities
  • Launch a Comprehensive Wellness Program
  • Lead by Example in Work-Life Balance
  • Provide Complimentary Mental Health Care
  • Make Performance Reviews Collaborative
  • Finance Employee Participation in Fitness
  • Empower Employees in Work Processes
  • Introduce ‘Off-Grid’ Days for Staff
  • Encourage Taking Scheduled PTO
  • Implement Unlimited Paid Time Off
  • Create Fun Fridays and Team Outings
  • Embrace a Hybrid Working Model
  • Provide Ergonomic Workplace Solutions
  • Hire Gig Workers for Specialized Tasks

Provide Travel Perks for Employees

We’re all about helping people plan their dream vacations, and by extension, we also offer this support to our employees. A lot of this has to do with our ethos about the value of self-discovery, time off, and new experiences through travel. For us, that’s just as important as physical well-being.

Beyond standard vacation days, we offer our employees additional downtime specifically for travel. It gives them time to recharge and explore the world, which definitely boosts their enthusiasm and enjoyment when they’re back at work. They’re also able to speak from a place of experience every time they guide a new client.

Our employees enjoy exclusive travel perks, including flight discounts and curated travel packages. So far, the feedback has been great, and we’re constantly taking their input on how else we can promote exploration and adventure in the workplace.

Jess Rodley, Bookings Director, Andorra Escapes

Implement a Well-Being Tracking Tool

We have implemented a human well-being platform called Zoios. In short, every employee must answer five quick questions on a scale from 1 to 5 about their well-being every month. It allows us to track employee well-being and see where we can improve. It also gives direct feedback from employees to management about what to focus on, e.g., recognition or development. It helps us focus our time, and it makes it possible to track if we improve over time.

Anders Thornild, Head of Marketing, CyberPilot

Grant Autonomy and Support Team

After spending years in the travel industry, I realized I wanted more control over my life and work. That desire for freedom became the backbone of how I run my business. I didn’t just want that flexibility for myself; I wanted it for my team too.

One way we prioritize well-being is by giving people real autonomy. We don’t enforce rigid work hours. Everyone is encouraged to set their own schedule as long as they’re delivering results. It’s about trusting each other to do great work without micromanagement. I also make sure we have regular, meaningful check-ins where we don’t just talk about work. We talk about life—what’s going on with family, how someone’s health is, whether they’re feeling supported.

The result? People are more invested. When someone feels like they have room to breathe, they bring more energy to their projects. Our productivity has gone up, and honestly, we’ve built stronger connections as a team. When people know they matter beyond just deadlines, the quality of their work speaks for itself.

One example that really sticks with me is a campaign we did for WebStreet. One of our team members was going through a tough time personally, and instead of just pushing them to hit the deadlines, we took a more realistic approach. We didn’t take the project away, but we made sure they had the support they needed. We paired them with another team member to share the load and gave them the flexibility to take a few days off if they felt it was necessary. We knew pushing through without breaks would lead straight to burnout, so we made it clear: if you need a breather, take it.

We also had open conversations about what was realistic in terms of hitting targets. We didn’t sugarcoat anything or overestimate what was possible—just honest talks about what could be done and where they might need backup. As a remote team, communication is everything, so we made sure they felt comfortable speaking up.

In the end, that honest approach paid off. They delivered one of the best campaigns we’ve seen, boosting WebStreet’s lead generation by 30%. What I’ve realized is that when people know they’re supported—when they have the space to breathe, take time if they need it, and feel comfortable speaking up—they not only avoid burnout, they actually produce better work.

Peter Lewis, Chief Marketing Officer, Strategic Pete

Foster Open Communication and Feedback

We make it a point to check in with our team often and encourage them to share their thoughts and concerns. This isn’t just a formality—we genuinely listen and act on their feedback.

The results have been great. Employees feel like their voices are heard, which boosts their job satisfaction and overall morale. For instance, by addressing concerns early through these regular check-ins, we’ve been able to tackle issues before they get bigger, keeping our workplace upbeat and productive.

Also, fostering this open dialogue helps build a culture of trust and collaboration. When team members know their opinions matter, they’re more engaged and motivated in their roles. This naturally leads to higher productivity and a stronger, more cohesive team.

So, focusing on open communication and feedback has made a big difference for us. It’s all about creating a supportive atmosphere where everyone feels valued, which translates into better performance and a more positive workplace overall.

Bradford Glaser, President & CEO, HRDQ

Offer Professional Development Opportunities

At our firm, we value employee well-being by offering ongoing professional development and growth opportunities. We understand that feeling stuck in a career can lead to disengagement. That’s why we provide training sessions, workshops, and support for employees pursuing further education or certifications. This investment in personal and professional growth boosts confidence, expands skill sets, and enhances expertise.

The impact on productivity and satisfaction has been significant. When employees feel their growth is valued and supported, they are motivated to contribute their best work. This creates a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within the firm. Team members are empowered to take initiative and bring fresh ideas to the table. Our emphasis on development has improved individual performance and strengthened our firm’s capabilities, benefiting both clients and our practice.

Joshua Frachtman, Attorney, Partner, Zimmerman & Frachtman

Launch a Comprehensive Wellness Program

As a Chief Human Resource Officer, prioritizing employee well-being is central to our corporate ethos, and we have implemented several initiatives designed to support our workforce effectively. A specific example that stands out is our comprehensive “Wellness at Work” program, which includes mental health resources, physical health activities, and flexible working arrangements.

This initiative was launched to address the holistic needs of our employees, recognizing that well-being directly impacts productivity and job satisfaction. The program includes free access to mental health counseling, onsite wellness workshops focusing on stress management and mindfulness, and a subscription to a fitness app that employees can use at their convenience. Additionally, we offer flexible work hours and the option for remote work, allowing employees to manage their personal and professional lives more effectively.

Since implementing these wellness-focused measures, we have observed a significant improvement in employee productivity and overall job satisfaction. Our internal surveys indicate that employees feel more supported and valued, which translates into higher engagement levels and lower turnover rates. The flexibility to balance work and personal life has particularly been praised, with many reporting reduced stress levels and improved mental health.

Steven Mostyn, Chief Human Resources Officer,

Lead by Example in Work-Life Balance

We lead by example. It is hard for employees to prioritize their well-being if they don’t see their managers or executives doing so. So, we lead by example, and the employee satisfaction scores on work-life balance have increased by 13%. We have team leaders and managers clock out when they should, take mental health days off, and use our EAP.

Leading by example is the best way to create the culture we want and live by the values of employee well-being we promote. It is hard to maintain these standards, especially during emergencies and high-pressure seasons, but we strive to remain consistent.

Your employees watch you closely, and your actions will reinforce the importance of their well-being. Demonstrate the practices you want to see in your team. Take breaks, use your vacation days, respect personal time, and watch them do the same.

Lev Tretyakov, CEO and Sales Director, Fortador

Provide Complimentary Mental Health Care

At my company, employee well-being is a top priority, and one specific initiative that stands out is the complimentary access to Mindgram, a comprehensive mental care and well-being platform. This platform offers 24/7 access to psychological support, therapy, coaching sessions, self-development videos, and virtual events that promote mental health.

What I find even more impactful about this initiative is the level of privacy it guarantees—employees communicate directly and anonymously with qualified psychologists. It’s our safe space for addressing mental health concerns. I also appreciate that every employee can extend this access to a loved one, offering them the same level of support.

This initiative has had a profound impact on productivity and overall job satisfaction, which I can tell based on my experience and from conversations with my colleagues. Personally, the psychological support I’ve received through Mindgram helped me overcome burnout and improved my life significantly. It’s not just about the resources provided but the feeling of being valued and supported by the company that truly makes a difference.

This HR policy update has been a game-changer, with employees feeling more satisfied, engaged, and motivated. All these lead to a healthier and more productive work environment.

Agata Szczepanek, Career Expert & Community Manager, LiveCareer

Make Performance Reviews Collaborative

One of the most valuable steps we’ve taken to prioritize employee well-being is making performance reviews, one-on-ones, and similar conversations about employees’ careers and work more collaborative. Instead of just having the manager give feedback to the employee, they have a conversation about the employee’s career goals, the places they feel they’re struggling or could use more direction, and areas where they think the workplace or their work process could be improved.

This has been invaluable for our company, too. Getting this kind of direct employee input about what works and what doesn’t in the workplace has allowed us to make better, more targeted improvements over time. These have boosted not just employee satisfaction but also overall productivity and efficiency. It’s also been a huge help when we’re thinking about succession planning, or deciding what kinds of upskilling/reskilling could be valuable, because we can use both the company’s needs and employees’ interests to guide these decisions.

Matt Erhard, Managing Partner, Summit Search Group

Finance Employee Participation in Fitness

Employee well-being is not just a corporate initiative; it’s a personal mission I’ve embraced wholeheartedly. As someone who regularly participates in marathons and triathlons, I’ve experienced firsthand the transformative power of a healthy lifestyle. This belief drives me to inspire my employees to prioritize their health as well.

We understand the challenges posed by today’s sedentary lifestyles, especially with the prevalence of desk jobs. That’s why we go beyond simply promoting wellness—we actively encourage and finance our employees to participate in marathons, fitness challenges, and other initiatives that get them moving and engaged in their health.

Our commitment extends beyond our own workforce. In 2015, we launched our company to bring this focus on wellness to companies around the world. Through this platform, organizations can implement comprehensive wellness programs that address both physical and mental health.

The impact has been profound. Employees who participate in our initiatives report feeling more energized, less stressed, and more connected with their colleagues. This holistic approach not only improves individual health outcomes but also fosters a more vibrant and productive workplace culture. We’re proud to lead a movement that prioritizes the well-being of employees, helping them lead healthier, more fulfilling lives in an increasingly sedentary world.

Anjan Pathak, CTO and Co-founder, Vantage Fit

Empower Employees in Work Processes

The strategy we have implemented in our company to prioritize employee well-being is by giving workers more control over their work processes. This work culture approach stems from research showing that low job autonomy correlates with poor mental health and increased risks of physical ailments like heart disease and diabetes.

Recently, we implemented this strategy in our customer service and sales department by providing additional training, helping employees handle a wider range of tasks, and resolving more customer issues independently.

This small change had a significant impact, as the results were twofold:

  • First, employee well-being improved as they felt more empowered and less constrained in their roles.
  • Second, job performance saw a notable uptick.

In fact, our sales employees demonstrated higher efficiency and effectiveness in handling customer inquiries, leading to improved customer satisfaction scores (and NPS).

This initiative not only improved our productivity level but also increased job satisfaction among our customer service team—which positively impacted the outcome for both the workforce and the company’s bottom line.

Elena Bejan, People Culture (HR) and Development Director, Index

Introduce ‘Off-Grid’ Days for Staff

One way we prioritize employee well-being is by introducing “off-grid” days. These aren’t vacation days but dedicated time for employees to fully disconnect from work—no emails, no Slack, nothing. It’s a reset button, and we’ve found that people come back more focused and energized, with fresh ideas and better clarity. It’s made a real difference in productivity and job satisfaction. Giving people the space to step away leads to more creative thinking and higher engagement when they’re back in the game.

Jordan Adair, CEO, ShirtMax

Encourage Taking Scheduled PTO

I encourage my team to take their scheduled PTO. I don’t want to be buried with work, and I believe that a person who doesn’t enjoy life can become overwhelmed and give up. I don’t want that to happen to my team, but we also need to ensure that operations continue smoothly. So, at the beginning of each year, I remind my team to schedule their PTO, especially during less busy times. We all deserve a break, and PTO can help us de-stress and recharge. When employees return from PTO, I can see a positive attitude and renewed determination, which makes me a happy boss.

Kai Cromwell, Founder | Digital Marketing Specialist, Newseas

Implement Unlimited Paid Time Off

We have found that when we invest in our employees’ well-being, it pays dividends. For example, a few years ago we began offering unlimited paid time off. At first, some managers were skeptical that it would be abused or hurt productivity. Instead, we found that employees took about the same number of days off, but felt less stressed and more empowered.

Since implementing the policy, our employee satisfaction scores have risen by over 25%, and productivity has increased. When employees feel their needs are met and that they have control over their work-life balance, they are more motivated, creative, and loyal.

Mike Szczesny, Owner & Vice President, EDCO Awards & Specialties

Create Fun Fridays and Team Outings

At our company, we prioritize employee well-being through a range of initiatives that significantly enhance productivity and satisfaction. For example, our “Fun Fridays” offer a regular opportunity for fun activities, team-building exercises, and shared meals, which foster a sense of camaraderie and relaxation. We also organize team outings and one-day trips, creating memorable experiences that strengthen our team dynamics.

We value open communication and feedback, so we hold regular one-on-one conversations and feedback sessions where employees can share their thoughts and suggestions freely. This practice not only helps us address any concerns but also ensures that everyone feels heard and valued. Our company culture encourages sharing diverse viewpoints, which contributes to a positive and inclusive work environment.

Additionally, we’ve implemented a “1% Better Initiative,” where we’ve established a dedicated Discord channel for employees to share their personal and professional achievements and receive recognition from their peers. This initiative enhances self-esteem and encourages continuous improvement across the team. We also implement “Deep Work Hour,” where we disconnect from our mobile phones to focus solely on work. This practice has proven effective in enhancing concentration and productivity.

Overall, these efforts have cultivated a supportive and engaging workplace, leading to increased productivity and higher employee satisfaction.

Sahil Sachdeva, CEO & Founder, Level Up PR

Embrace a Hybrid Working Model

We prioritize employee well-being by creating a flexible, inclusive, and supportive work environment. Since the pandemic, we’ve embraced a hybrid working model, with our teams collaborating in the office two days a week. This shift has allowed our employees to achieve a better work-life balance, particularly for our people who live further away from our Sydney HQ and no longer need to commute five days a week.

This means our in-office days are more meaningful and are focused on collaboration and connection, giving our teams the opportunity to engage, brainstorm, socialize, and build stronger relationships. We’ve seen first-hand the positive impact this approach has had on the well-being of our staff, but also in the quality of their work, productivity, and their overall happiness. When employees feel that their needs are valued, everyone wins.

David Einstein, Co-Founder, Orange Line

Provide Ergonomic Workplace Solutions

Musculoskeletal disorders account for 30% of all workplace injuries, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), costing companies billions in compensation and lost productivity. Our company provides the right ergonomic solutions that can change that.

At our company, we provide innovative tools like hydraulic lift tables designed to improve employee comfort and safety. These solutions aren’t just about reducing strain—they’re about boosting satisfaction and productivity. By adjusting workstations to fit employees’ needs, we help create healthier, happier, and more efficient workplaces.

Jarret Slabach, Marketing Manager, B & C Industrial Products, Inc

Hire Gig Workers for Specialized Tasks

In my case, there was a challenge at my company when specific tasks that required specialization started being risky for fixed employees. For these tasks, rather than burden my team, I chose to hire a gig worker. For example, when we required a deep and specific SEO check for our website, I turned to gig workers with the right expertise to do it quickly.

This enabled our core staff to maintain their duties and avoid the stress of learning or managing other tasks they were not trained to handle. We were able to keep our team focused and motivated while the specialized work was done by gig workers.

This has assisted us in preventing employees from being overwhelmed and frustrated with their positions, and we are still using it today.

Alexei Morgado, Founder, Lexawise Real Estate Exam Prep

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