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Starting a Masteron Cycle? Here’s What You Should Expect

If you are in the fitness industry, you have possibly come across ads offering Masteron for sale. This potent steroid was originally marketed as a treatment for certain forms of breast cancer. With time, that particular application fell into disuse. Soon, a new avenue as a muscle enhancer opened up for the drug. 

How, you might ask. To answer this question, we need to understand the inner workings of Masteron. 

What is Masteron? 

Drostanolone/drostanolone propionate first saw medical usage in 1961. It was found to be anti-estrogenic. Despite mimicking testosterone, it did not aromatize* into estrogen. This made it an effective medication for managing some kinds of advanced, inoperable breast cancers. 

Drostanolone propionate (brand name Masteron) is an androgenic anabolic steroid. Today, it sees wide use as a physique-enhancer. Thanks to its weaker androgenic properties, it limits virilizing effects. This makes it a popular alternative among female athletes. 

*Aromatization: An enzymatic process that converts testosterone into estrogen. 

How Does Masteron Work? 

The answer lies in Masteron’s efficacy in battling ER+* breast cancers. When injected into the muscles, Masteron does not aromatize into estrogen. This property is in stark contrast to the free testosterone – the naturally-produced hormone in our bodies- which readily aromatizes. 

Due to its ability to inhibit aromatization, Masteron helps in increasing the level of free testosterone in the body. Its introduction into the system triggers increased anabolism. Rapid protein synthesis is key to building muscle mass. Masteron accelerates protein synthesis to the point that it exceeds protein breakdown. This leads to new muscle growth.

*ER+: Some breast cancer cells express estrogen receptors. They use estrogen to grow and spread. 

What to expect from a Masteron cycle

Masteron’s impact on muscle building may seem magical, but it is a highly nuanced process that hinges heavily on several factors. You would be remiss to expect results overnight, and it would be a mistake to rely solely on the supplement. 

Before you set about procuring a prescription to buy Masteron, you must have a clear idea of what you will experience from the steroid. 

The Upsides

Masteron, of course, comes with a host of benefits. 

Improved stamina

Increased protein synthesis offers greater energy reserves. This allows you to work out longer and with greater intensity, which in turn improves muscles and endurance.  

Muscle growth

This is a direct benefit of taking Masteron. Although not as potent as some other steroids in this regard, Masteron results in moderate growth in lean muscle mass. If you are looking for muscle definition rather than rapid bulk, Masteron is for you. 

Fat reduction

This is arguably the biggest upside to taking Masteron. Masteron limits estrogen activity in the body, thus increasing the levels of testosterone. This prevents fat accumulation and water retention. 

The Side Effects

When you buy Masteron to start a cycle, you must be prepared to experience some side effects of the synthetic steroid. 

  • Prostate enlargement, particularly in older men
  • Male pattern baldness, in both men and women
  • Acne due to increased oil production
  • Lowered testosterone after prolonged use
  • Lower sex drive
  • Shrinkage of testicles
  • Deepening of voice in women
  • Hirsutism in women
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Mood changes- anxiety, depression, and irritability
  • Possible strain on the liver*

Masteron does not have a blanket effect on everyone. Your body’s reaction to the steroid will depend on your tolerance levels, your current physical health, and a host of external factors. If any of the side effects are seriously disrupting your quality of life, consult your doctor immediately for potential adjustment or alternatives. 

*Drostanolone does not cause liver toxicity in general. However, long term use can impact liver function by increasing liver enzymes and leading to liver disease.  

How Long It Takes to Show Results

Despite being a relatively fast-acting steroid, Masteron will not show results overnight. It takes around six to seven weeks for the steroid to start showing its effects. This timeline depends on your system’s response to the drug, and the dosage you are on.

If you are a beginner, you will likely see results faster. If you have been on this journey before, your body has already acclimatized; meaning, it will take longer time and larger doses for Masteron to take effect.

Finally, a Word of Caution

Now that you have a realistic set of expectations, it’s time to get on the Masteron bandwagon. But before you do, remember, caution is key. First and foremost, buy genuine products only. An ad for Masteron for sale can be tempting (steroids are, after all, expensive), but check for authenticity of the seller.

Secondly, make sure you go on PCT. Your body will plateau to the effects of Masteron after a few weeks, and post cycle therapy will help reset your system and minimize side effects. 

Finally, remember that your health comes first. When you buy Masteron to start a cycle, you must carefully consider your current medical status and evaluate your ability to undergo the rigors of a steroid cycle.  


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