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How Wearable Health Trackers Can Help After Getting Hit by a Car

Health trackers use sensors to collect all kinds of data about your body and health, like:

  • How many steps you take every day
  • Your heart rate going up and down
  • When you fall asleep and wake up (sleep cycles)
  • What exercises you do
  • How many calories you burn from moving around

Many health trackers pair up with phone apps too.

Now let’s look at the cool ways these devices can lend you a hand after crashing your car or getting hit.

How Health Trackers Can Help Post-Crash

It turns out that health trackers are good for way more than just fitness goals!

Let’s go over some specific ways they can help with your recovery after an accident.

1. Watching Your Heart Rate

One of the best features of many health trackers is that they monitor your heart rate all day long. Typically, this shows if you’re chilling out or active.

But after an accident, your pulse might suddenly spike from the stress or pain your body just went through. If you’re wearing a tracker at the time, it’ll notice those scary jumps in heart rate. That could mean your body is struggling to cope even if you feel fine on the surface.

For example, a higher heart rate long after the crash might hint that your body’s still reacting to it somehow. It may be a sign of accident-related psychological trauma. And this vital sign can help doctors understand what’s happening. It’s also solid proof if you need to show the accident led to health troubles later on.

2. Tracking How Active You Can Be

After colliding with a car, you might see that you can’t walk, exercise, or even do regular stuff as easily anymore. Could be you feel pain trying to move like normal, or have trouble with easy things like getting around the house. Well, health trackers are great at recording stats like your daily steps and workouts.

By comparing the tracker data from before and after, you can clearly show that your activity took a nosedive because of any injuries. For instance, if your tracker showed 10,000 daily steps before, but only 2,000 after, that obviously demonstrates your mobility isn’t the same. Info like this can really help if you need to get payments to cover accident costs.

3. Recording Your Sleep Quality

Great sleep is important for recovery after getting hurt in a serious car accident. But sometimes crashes mess with your ability to sleep well. Maybe injury pain or accident stress now makes it hard to fall or stay asleep all night.

A lot of health trackers can actually see your sleep patterns – how much light sleep, deep sleep, etc you get each night. If the data shows your sleep went haywire after the accident, it’s solid proof that the crash harmed your well-being. Quality sleep is essential for healing, so the facts could even help your doctor make better treatment choices too.

4. Helping You Follow Doctor’s Orders

When recovering from accident injuries, doctors often suggest exercise plans or physical therapy to help you mend. This usually means things like taking short walks every day, doing certain stretches, or slowly getting active again over time. Well, your health tracker can help make sure you stick to these recovery plans.

For example, if your doctor wants you to walk a specific number of steps daily to recover, your tracker can remind you or show how well you’re following their instructions. That can help speed up your progress since you’ll know exactly how much movement you’re getting.

How Health Trackers Can Help You Get Compensation After a Car Accident

So now we’ve seen how these clever gadgets can help track your health after crashing. But can they also help you get money to cover accident costs like medical bills or lost wages?

It turns out, yes – having all that health data can make a huge difference if you need to file an insurance claim or lawsuit.

Let’s break this down:

1. Hard Proof of Your Injuries

When asking for compensation after an accident, you’ve got to show proof that you got injured and deserve money to cover costs. The usual proof includes things like medical records, eyewitness accounts, crash scene photos. But get this – all the data your health tracker recorded could be even more convincing proof that the crash harmed your health!

Like for example, if the tracker data shows your heart was pounding way harder after the accident, that’s evidence it caused serious stress. Or if it shows you went from 10,000 steps per day to barely walking at all, that’s crystal clear proof of a change in your physical ability. Hard facts like this make it tougher for insurance big shots to claim your injuries aren’t real or serious.

2. Backing Up Your Medical Records

Your medical records are key for getting compensation, but sometimes they don’t tell the whole story. Maybe the doctor couldn’t see certain injuries yet, or they got worse slowly over time after the crash. Here’s where your trusty health tracker can fill in the gaps!

Because it keeps recording health stats day and night, the tracker data can add to and back up whatever’s in your medical records. For example – your records might note back pain after the accident, but your tracker can also prove that the pain has ruined your sleep too. Details like that make your case a slam dunk.

3. Proving How Your Lifestyle Changed

To get compensated for your losses, you usually need to prove that the crash majorly affected your regular lifestyle. Like messing up your ability to work, play sports you love, take care of yourself or family members, etc. Well, your health tracker stats offer hard evidence of how the accident ruined your normal routine.

Say you were super active before, but after the crash, your tracker shows barely any walking or movement for months. That alone is awesome proof that the injuries impacted your ability to keep up your usual lifestyle. This kind of data could help you get paid back for pain and suffering, lost income, and more.

4. Helping Your Lawyer Win the Case

If you hire a legal lawyer to get compensation, your health tracker can be a secret weapon for building a solid case. The lawyer’s job is to collect lots of convincing evidence that the accident caused harm, and the injuries deserve financial payment. See, all that detailed tracker data provides super valuable real-time clues about what’s going on in your body after the crash. This lets your lawyer vividly demonstrate the seriousness of your injuries to insurance honchos.

For example, say your lawyer needs to prove your mobility was impacted, or that the accident increased your stress levels. Boom – they can use detailed data from your tracker showing exactly that. Having that kind of evidence makes it way easier for them to get you a full, fair payout.

Tips For Using Your Tracker After A Crash

If you just got hit by a car and don’t know what to do as far as your health tracker is concerned, here are some key tips to get the most out of them:

1. Keep It On 24/7

To collect the best before & after picture, be sure to wear that tracker nonstop! That way there won’t be any gaps in the data at critical times, giving more power to your case down the line.

2. Save Your Data Reports

Make a habit of saving and organizing all the health stat reports and charts from your tracker app. Especially focus on saving the crash and recovery timeframe. That’s the data your doctor and lawyer will wanna analyze to assist your case.

3. Share The Data With Your Recovery Team

Don’t be shy about sharing tracker data with both your health doctor and lawyer. Updates on your ongoing symptoms and changes can help them make smart decisions to help your case and recovery.

So keep them in the loop!

Health Trackers Do Far More Than Track Steps

While we often think of health trackers as just fun fitness gadgets, they can provide so much valuable data if you’re injured in an accident too.

Detailed stats on your heart rate, activity levels, sleep quality, and more can help doctors assess injuries that aren’t obvious on the surface. Even better, all that data serves as powerful legal evidence to help you get fair compensation for bills, pain and suffering.

So if you use a health tracker, keep this in mind after an accident. The data might make all the difference in a smooth recovery and getting your life back on track.

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