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Pay scales for teachers and leaders in England from September 2024

The new pay scales for 2024-2025 have been confirmed by the Department for Education.

It comes after the government approved teacher and leader pay rises of 5.5 per cent, pledging to hand schools £1.2 billion towards the cost of covering them.

But the School Teachers’ Review Body estimated its recommendations would cost around £1.65 billion over a whole school year, and the DfE has said schools will need to put some of their own money into the deal to help make up the difference.

Local authority-maintained schools must follow these pay scales but academies and free schools are allowed to set their own.

Here are the new pay rates, effective from September 1, 2024.

Pay scales for teachers

Pay scales for school leaders

Here is the plain text version

Classroom teachers

England excluding London
Unqualified teacher pay range 2023 2024
Minimum 20,598 21,731
Maximum 32,134 33,902
Main pay range
Minimum 30,000 31,650
Maximum 41,333 43,607
Upper pay range
Minimum 43,266 45,646
Maximum 46,525 49,084
Leading practitioner pay range
Minimum 47,417 50,025
Maximum 72,085 76,050
Fringe area
Unqualified teacher pay range 2023 2024
Minimum 21,933 23,140
Maximum 33,464 35,305
Main pay range
Minimum 31,350 33,075
Upper pay range
Minimum 44,579 47,031
Maximum 47,839 50,471
Leading practitioner pay range
Minimum 48,723 51,403
Maximum 73,393 77,430
Outer London area
Unqualified teacher pay range 2023 2024
Minimum 24,415 25,758
Maximum 35,954 37,932
Main pay range
Minimum 34,514 36,413
Maximum 46,001 48,532
Upper pay range
Minimum 47,592 50,210
Maximum 51,179 53,994
Leading practitioner pay range
Minimum 51,179 53,994
Maximum 75,850 80,022
Inner London area
Unqualified teacher pay range 2023 2024
Minimum 25,831 27,252
Maximum 37,362 39,417
Main pay range
Minimum 36,745 38,766
Maximum 47,666 50,288
Upper pay range
Minimum 52,526 55,415
Maximum 56,959 60,092
Leading practitioner pay range
Minimum 56,377 59,478
Maximum 81,051 85,509

School leaders

England excluding London
2023 2024
Leadership minimum 47,185 49,781
Headteacher group 2023 2024
1 53,380 – 71,019 56,316 –74,926
2 56,082 – 76,430 59,167 – 80,634
3 60,488 – 82,258 63,815 – 86,783
4 65,010 – 88,530 68,586 – 93,400
5 71,729 – 97,639 75,675 – 103,010
6 77,195 – 107,700 81,441 – 113,624
7 83,081 – 118,732 87,651 – 125,263
8 91,633 – 131,056 96,673 – 138,265
Fringe area
2023 2024
Leadership minimum 48,484 51,151
Headteacher group 2023 2024
1 54,685 – 72,311 57,693 – 76,289
2 57,383 – 77,730 60,540 – 82,006
3 61,789 – 83,554 65,188 – 88,150
4 66,316 – 89,818 69,964 – 94,758
5 73,034 – 98,935 77,051 – 104,377
6 78,507 – 108,995 82,825 – 114,990
7 84,391 – 120,021 89,033 – 126,623
8 92,933 – 132,352 98,045 – 139,632
Outer London area
2023 2024
Leadership minimum 50,929 53,731
Headteacher group 2023 2024
1 57,124 – 74,730 60,266 –78,841
2 59,826 – 80,142 63,117 – 84,550
3 64,229 – 85,965 67,762 – 90,694
4 68,749 – 92,234 72,531 – 97,307
5 75,478 – 101,350 79,630 – 106,925
6 80,944 – 111,406 85,396 – 117,534
7 86,826 – 122,437 91,602 – 129,172
8 95,377 – 134,765 100,623 – 142,178
Inner London area
2023 2024
Leadership minimum 56,100 59,186
Headteacher group 2023 2024
1 62,304 – 79,856 65,731 – 84,249
2 65,007 – 85,267 68,583 – 89,957
3 69,407 – 91,095 73,225 – 96,106
4 73,933 – 97,359 78,000 – 102,714
5 80,655 – 106,476 85,092 – 112,333
6 86,119 – 116,535 90,856 – 122,945
7 92,007 – 127,564 97,068 – 134,581
8 100,552 – 139,891 106,083 – 147,586

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