The government is considering holding schools to account for meeting six “core digital standards”, warning that only 16 per cent report meet them currently.
The Department for Education launched 11 digital standards for schools and colleges in 2022. It is now consulting on six of them – broadband internet, wireless networks, network switches, digital leadership, filtering and monitoring, and cyber security.
The DfE said its “long-term ambition” was for “all schools and colleges to meet six core digital standards by 2030”.
It is not clear whether the standards will change or are simply a subset of the same 11 standards previously produced.
Asked if following the standards would be mandatory for schools, the DfE said: “We will explore long-term options for greater accountability on these standards for 2030.”
The DfE has also announced a £45 million extension to programmes that upgrade wifi networks in schools and bring them fibre broadband.
Of this funding, £25 million is an extension of the Connect the Classroom scheme – which was due to end this year. Meanwhile, £20 million more will be pumped into the government’s fibre rollout programme.