Four in 10 teachers now report pupil misbehaviour is disrupting all or most of their lessons, a government survey suggests. The Department for Education...
Special schools have threatened England’s largest council with legal action unless a proposed new inclusion strategy that they say will “harm” pupil outcomes and...
Local authorities should use their extra SEND cash to boost inclusion in mainstream schools, the government has said. All councils will receive a minimum...
Most “information reports”, which schools must publish to tell parents about the SEND support they offer, are harder to read than Stephen Hawking’s A Brief...
A council wants courts to take financial health into account when deciding if authorities are breaking the law over refusals to provide vulnerable pupils...
Delays in assessing SEND needs and issuing education, health and care plans “is making children more vulnerable” to serious youth violence and putting them...
Clarity is needed over the future of a mechanism currently keeping SEND deficits from bankrupting councils, a government adviser has warned, adding its impending...